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Benefits: Pectin, a soluble fiber in figs, lowers cholesterol levels by reducing the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL: bad cholesterol) in the blood.

Dried Mulberry

Benefits: Thanks to the antioxidants in dried mulberry, it supports the elimination of free radicals in the body through urine. Having plenty of vitamin C in it also makes the immune system stronger and increases the body's resistance.


Benefits: Hazelnut is good for many ailments due to the omega 3 fatty acids, arginine, fiber, vitamin E, vitamin B2 and B6, amino acids and folic acids it contains. In particular, it reduces the risk of heart attack, prevents asthma, intestinal diseases, disruptions in metabolic activities and supports heart health.

Apricot Kernel

Benefits: It contains vitamin B17, also known as laetrile, in the fight against cancer. In particular, it contains vitamin B17 and prevents the formation and proliferation of cancerous cells.


Benefits: Pistachio has the property of expanding the veins. Thanks to this feature, it provides easy flow of blood throughout the body. It keeps cholesterol levels in balance. Pistachio, which also plays a protective role in heart health, has a reducing effect on the body's weight gain.